At a recent Mass here in the seminary, one of the intercessions was “let us pray for those who will die today.” My first thought was simply, “Wow, there are people who died today.” Then I thought, “I am going to die someday and when I do I hope someone will pray for me." There is something beautiful about praying for the dead and the Church constantly reminds us how important it is.
Praying for the dead is an ancient practice of the Church. There is a votive Mass option for the dead, which is typically celebrated on Mondays but can be celebrated throughout the year. It is a spiritual work of mercy to pray for the dead paired with the corporal work of mercy to bury the dead. Last week we celebrated All Souls Day, beginning the month of November which is dedicated to praying for the dead. The Church constantly reminds us how important this intercessory prayer is and gives plenty of opportunities to practice it, and yet we often forget to intercede for this great intention. After a family member dies, we typically say a few prayers here and there for them, only then to quickly move on. We must consider that the dead are continually in need of our prayers. Not only are our friends and family in need, but also those we do not know. What a powerful prayer it would be to pray for the one soul who died without anyone to speak his name or mourn for him. With this sudden act of love, God in his infinite mercy hears our prayer and has mercy on that soul, welcoming him into his joy and infinite love.
A tradition we have at the seminary is to walk over to the nearby cemetery to pray a rosary for those who are buried there. This is even an opportunity for a plenary indulgence! It is a seemingly small act, but it has a powerful effect on those that have gone before us. The souls in purgatory need our prayers. This November let us take the effort to pray for those who need our prayers that the Lord may welcome them into his Kingdom where they will know peace and everlasting love.
Mr. Young is a College IV seminarian for the Diocese of Arlington.