But, as fun as that evening was, what stuck with me most from my first year being a seminarian on this retreat was seeing the place that these high schoolers were at in their discernment, and how I was in the same place just a year ago.
"I rummaged through my drawer searching for the rosary my mom had given me as a confirmation gift, the gift I had unenthusiastically received two years prior. Little did I know that I would end up praying the Rosary every day, and carrying that rosary with me wherever I went. The Rosary saved my life, and I suspect it continues to do so."
Saint John Paul II Seminary is an initiative of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington to prepare college-age men and young adults for entrance into major seminary and eventual ordination to the Catholic priesthood.
The mission of Saint John Paul II Seminary is to provide an environment that forms men to be committed disciples of Christ who are free to respond to God’s call to the priesthood, including the call to the celibate life.